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PHP and MySQL Push Notification System

Web Push Notification is a feature that allows users to subscribe to a message that will be sent and shown in their web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.

Users can stay informed with the use of push notifications about specific news, conversation, new emails, and time-sensitive information like deals and offers.

So, if you're considering using PHP to develop a web notification system, you've come to the perfect place. You will discover how to use PHP and MySQL to construct a web push notification system in this tutorial.

To save notification messages with settings to display to certain users when users are logged in, we will go over this topic with a live demonstration.

In this example, the administrator will build web push notifications with a variety of choices and broadcast them to users who are logged in in their browsers.

Depending on the settings, the notification may be displayed multiple times.

The next notification's interval time can also be set by the user.

Every time, in accordance with the specified time, the system will check for the notice.

After the specified amount of time, the notification will expire.

The main files for this example are included below since we will demonstrate how to create a web push notification system using PHP and MySQL in this tutorial.








Create database tables in step one.

To keep users for login and display notification messages to logged-in users, we will first establish the MySQL database table notif user.

We'll additionally make a table called notif to keep track of notification information.

Step 2: Create User Login Now that the user login page has been created, users can log in and receive notifications.

On the form submit, we will provide user login feature.

Add Notifications and Display a List in Step 3

We will develop HTML for the administrator to add new notifications in the manage notification.php file.

Install a feature that saves new alerts to a database table when a form is submitted.

We are now going to show a list of add notifications.

Broadcast Notification in Step Four

To perform an Ajax request to notification.php to retrieve notice details for the currently logged-in user and to send a notification, we will construct the method showNotification() in the notification.js file.

The function showNotification() will then be called in order to run a notice once every 20 seconds. When a user logs in, the application will make an ajax request to check for logged-in users and display the appropriate notification message.

Get notification information in Step 5

The notification information for the currently logged-in user are returned as a json response when the notification.php file is invoked by an Ajax request.

Create the Get and Set Push Notification routines in step six.

We will write functions for push notification functionality, such as getting notification data, saving notifications, updating, etc., in the Push.php file.

7. Verify and correct any errors.



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